Correcting Pay Disparity

for NYPD Sergeants Now

is an Investment in THE

Future of Public Safety

NYPD Sergeants are essential, frontline police supervisors, taking on more responsibilities than ever before. We risk our lives every day to serve and protect our city.

Right now, approximately 1,200 NYPD Sergeants are earning far less than the police officers they supervise, due to 25 years of attrition bargaining tactics by the New York City Office of Labor Relations. While the SBA has proposed meaningful solutions to fix this pay disparity, the Office of Labor Relations, led by Commissioner Renee Campion, continues to turn their back on us, racking up a $150 million price tag for NYC taxpayers and undermining the future leadership of the NYPD.

We are fighting for a fair and permanent solution that reflects the increasing demands and responsibilities of NYPD Sergeants who keep our city safe 24/7.

Please Join Our Fight! Sign the petition below and tell City Hall & OLR Commissioner Campion to put public safety first and fix the pay disparity for NYPD Sergeants NOW!

the "wage disparity”


Right now, approximately 1,200 NYPD Sergeants are earning far less than the police officers they supervise, due to 25 years of attrition bargaining tactics by the New York City Office of Labor Relations.

This "Wage Compression" causes many Sergeants to earn less than junior officers, despite holding more responsibilities.

The crux of this issue: the City’s decision to break the established pattern in their negotiations with the PBA (Police Benevolent Association), forcing other unions, including the SBA, into unfair deals with givebacks.

Despite the SBA proposing several reasonable solutions, the OLR continues to push unrealistic, disingenuous proposals that leave the problem unresolved for future administrations to deal with.

The OLR has also inadvertently jeopardized public safety, further perpetuating a morale and retention crisis with an already understaffed police force.

    • Issue 1: This involves the Police Officers promoted to Sergeant between November 2020 and April 30, 2023, of which there are approximately 1,250. These newly promoted Sergeants began at Step 1 because the PBA contract had not yet been settled. These Sergeants would still be making less than a top pay Police Officer until they reach top pay as a Sergeant.

    • Issue 2: Police Officers promoted to Sergeant between May 1, 2023, and July 31, 2023, when the PBA contract went into effect, were placed in Step 5 of the Sergeant’s salary scale. There are 184 Sergeants who fall into this category. While this is POSITIVE for newly promoted Sergeants, had these Sergeants began at Step 1 of the process, which would have occurred prior to the August 2023 PBA contract, the City would have saved millions of dollars during the years Sergeants were being paid at Steps 1 to 4. 

    • Issue 3: Police Officers promoted to Sergeant after August 1, 2023, when the PBA received contractual raise of 3.5%, are automatically placed at Step 6 (top pay). This has POSITIVELY affected over 900 Sergeants. 

      Click here to see the SBA PBA Salary Comparison Difference in Pay for Sergeants Promoted prior to May 1, 2023

  • • OLR solution to salary chart takes effect 12/10/24, meaning new Sergeants promoted between now and 12/9/24 would go to Step 5, not top pay. 

    • Pushes the 3.25% raise due 12/10/21 back to 4/25/22, meaning all Sergeants would have a ZERO raise for 4 months and 15 days (and ZERO retro). 

    • Forfeited retro equals approximately $1,526 for Sgt & $1,755 for SDS/SA .

    • Two month contract extension: 2 months of ZEROS

    • No retro for Sgts promoted between 1/1/23 and 12/9/24. 

    • Newly promoted Sgts forfeit 2 days for first 5 years in rank. 

    • A one-time pensionable lump sum bonus for Sgts in the steps of $2,807. These Sgts would have made approximately $100,000 less than those promoted after them. 

    • Newly promoted Sgts continue going to different steps depending on when promoted and settlement of next PBA contract. 

    This proposal DOES NOTHING for the 1,473 Sgts making less than the 770 promoted after them. This proposal DOES NOTHING to correct the problem in the future.

  • • A sense of demotivation and difficulty retaining experienced personnel 

    • Perceived unfairness and inequality among personnel 

    • Potential discord and strained relationships among personnel 

    • Reduced morale and motivation 

    • Potential decreased productivity, engagement, collaboration, and productivity 

    • Overall decrease in job satisfaction and organizational commitment 

A Timeline of failed negotiations

This timeline shows the repeated failures of OLR to negotiate in good faith.

We need you to tell City Hall & Commissioner campion that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Join our fight




   Tell city hall It's Time to   

End the Wage Disparity for

  NYPD Sergeants NOW!  

Fill out the form below to send this message to City Hall:

I am writing to express my deep concerns over the ongoing pay disparity affecting over 1,200 NYPD Sergeants. These frontline supervisors, who maintain public safety in our city, are being unfairly compensated, earning far less than the police officers they supervise due to long-standing flaws in past contracts with the City of New York.

The experience of our veteran Sergeants is invaluable and their service to our city should be valued appropriately. The current wage structure not only undervalues these dedicated public servants, it jeopardizes public safety, and the long-term stability and future career path of the NYPD. 

I'm asking you to tell City Hall and OLR Commissioner Renee Campion to resolve this issue by negotiating a permanent solution that provides a fair and equitable pay structure for NYPD Sergeants. Their service to our city should not be undermined by demanding givebacks from their union and simply kicking the can down the road. They deserve better!

Please stand with our NYPD Sergeants, correct this long standing economic injustice and invest in the future of public safety!



amNY – Posted on September 15th

[Mayor Adams] has both a moral and practical obligation to step in and work with us on achieving a fair resolution that recognizes the contributions and sacrifices of NYPD sergeants and finally solve this problem for good.

By Vincent Vallelong

The Chief – Posted on September 20th

… the city’s latest contract offer is significantly unfair given that its pay scale in many cases provides newly promoted sergeants a lower salary than the officers they supervise. 

Additionally, the salary ladder is skewed such that some recently promoted sergeants are earning more than sergeants who have years in the rank …

By Richard Khavkine

New York Post – Posted on September 25th

Despite their essential front-line work ensuring your safety, NYPD Sergeants are paid significantly less than the officers they supervise.

The Sergeants Benevolent Association has offered solutions, and still City Hall’s inaction is costing taxpayers $150 Million while turning their backs on our Sergeants …

By The Sergeants Benevolent Association

New York Post – Posted on October 7th

NYPD sergeants earning less than some of the police officers they supervise are urging Mayor Eric Adams to come to the table to renegotiate the glaring pay disparity.

The Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA) last spoke with the city Office of Labor Relations in August, just weeks before City Hall descended into chaos with federal agents targeting top members of the Adams administration in a series of raids …

By Craig McCarthy, Aneeta Bhole, and Larry Celona


Interview with Vincent J. Vallelong on the Arthur Aidala Power Hour